Method for checking basic properties of the dataset stored in path
metadata_fst(path, old_format = FALSE)
fst.metadata(path, old_format = FALSE)
path to fst file
must be FALSE, the old fst file format is deprecated and can only be read and converted with fst package versions 0.8.0 to 0.8.10.
Returns a list with meta information on the stored dataset in path
Has class fstmetadata
# Sample dataset
x <- data.frame(
First = 1:10,
Second = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10, replace = TRUE),
Last = sample(LETTERS, 10))
# Write to fst file
fst_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".fst")
write_fst(x, fst_file)
# Display meta information
#> <fst file>
#> 10 rows, 3 columns (file284447a9679c.fst)
#> * 'First' : integer
#> * 'Second': logical
#> * 'Last' : character